RV water softener campground
mini water softener

Why Every Portable RV Water Softener Owner Needs This

The product that we’re talking about would be the new Pro Aqua Premium Dual RV/Marine Water Softener, Regeneration, and Water Filter Kit. Why do we recommend this item to people who own portable wa...

portable water softenerWhy You Need an RV Water Softener

Why You Need an RV Water Softener

How Does an RV Water Softener Work? A portable RV water softener is simply a smaller version of a residential water softener system. The softener tank is filled with beads made of a special type of...

mini water softenerBest Type of Salt To Use for a Portable RV Water Softener

Best Type of Salt To Use for a Portable RV Water Softener

After using the Pro+Aqua RV Portable Water Softener, you’ll need to regenerate the resin bed inside the tank. To do this you’ll need the Regen Kit and some salt, but what kind of salt should you us...

portable water softenerHow Often Should You Wash Your RV/Trailer

How Often Should You Wash Your RV/Trailer

Depending on who you talk to, many RV enthusiasts recommend washing your rig 10-12 times a year. Some find it more convenient to just hire someone to do the dirty work, while others may actually en...

carpet cleaningPro+Aqua DIY Stain Remover

Tips and Tricks on How to Remove Stains from Upholstery and Carpet

Do you have food or drink stains on your couches, carpet, or your car’s upholstery? If so you’re in luck, in this article we’re going to go over some tips and tricks on how to remove stains from up...

portable water softenerGet Ready for RV Season

Get Ready for RV Season

Spring will be here before you know it. The official first day of Spring in 2021 is Saturday, March 20th. The season provides a great mix of bright sunny days without extreme temperature fluctuatio...